Thank you for your interest in VIRAGO! I’ve had a lot of people reach out to be a part of the shoot and/or to learn more about it. The official description is as follows:
In current usage, a “virago” is an opinionated, aggressive, loud-voiced, ill-tempered, shrewish woman. The original meaning of the word, though, was a woman of strength or spirit, a powerful woman, a warrior woman.
VIRAGO is a collection of strong women, powerful women… warriors wearing their armor.
The minimum age for involvement is 18.
The intention of this new collection is to produce a collected, limited edition art album and accompanying gallery collection, the proceeds of which will go to benefit LGBTQIA youth in the Louisville, Kentucky area.
My partner and I will be in Denver, Colorado June 14 – 18 for the AASECT annual conference (she’s a kink/queer/poly-friendly therapist, and if you haven’t heard about AASECT you should definitely check them out). Much to our delight, that’s the same weekend Denver PrideFest 2018 is happening, and the conference, and our hotel, are within easy walking distance of the festivities. I share this to let you know: A) who I am; and B) that we don’t have space for everyone who is interested. If more people want to be models than we end up having time for, I will plan a return trip in the not-too-terribly-distant future.
So, if you’re interested in being a model, here’s where I need you to start:
- What makes you strong? Think about your power; think about the events that made you the strong person you are today; think about the steel at the core of you. What does it feel like? How do you express it (in both the loud and the quiet ways)?
- What is your armor? It doesn’t have to be just clothing; it could be a look, the way you stand, a piece of jewelry, how you apply your make-up (or choose not to wear any). What does the armor of a warrior woman mean to you, and how does it apply to your life?
- How would you like to be portrayed? (If you don’t know how you want to be portrayed, don’t worry! We’ll come up with something together.)
- Are you comfortable posing nude? I’ve said before there is no expectation for this, and there will be no pressure to do so. If you’re not, please make sure you’re comfortable being part of a collection and accompanying book that will have nudity in it.
- I will not be providing hair and makeup (at least I do not currently plan to, though this may change between now and June), and I will be relying on your knowledge of the city with regards to locations.
If this still sounds like something you want to be a part of, email me at with your thoughts on those above questions, your name on Instagram (if that’s where you found me), and/or a photo of yourself (if you didn’t find me on Instagram), and we will work together on coming up with a shoot. As I said, we might not be able to get to everyone this visit, but that’s ok because it gives me an excuse to come back to Denver.
Thank you for being interested in this project.
— Benjamin
I would love to be a part of this! How do I apply?
Hi Zanna! I’ve updated the page with instructions on how to become a part of the VIRAGO shoot.
I would Love to be a part of this it would be an honor!!